A demonstration in Barcelona on 23 November 2024 calling for a reduction in rental prices. © Ajuntament de Barcelona
Regulating rent prices: The impact of the housing law in Barcelona

Rental prices in Barcelona have changed direction, breaking a two-year cycle of consistent increases. During this period, prices rose steadily, reaching an average of €1,200 per...

Facades of the street Carrer d’en Botella in the Raval neighbourhood. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Laura Guerrero
Ciutat Vella in the mirror

Federico García Lorca once said that the essence of “great, eternal and incorruptible” Barcelona was found in Ciutat Vella. Specifically, on La Rambla, which he described as...

Rember Yahuarcani, Aquells altres mons (díptic), acrílic sobre llenç, 2024. Cortesia de l'artista. © Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
A paradise threatened by greed

One of the historical events underpinning the extraordinary exhibition Amazons. The Ancestral Future, on display until 4 May at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (...

© Dani Codina
Mandy Barker. The photographer of marine plastic waste

For the past fifteen years, Mandy Barker has devoted herself entirely to documenting plastic pollution in the oceans and seas. Her work has been exhibited in some of the world’s...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allEurope and the Virus of the Past

At the end of 2019, I finished my novel Time Shelter, which was supposed to be a near dystopia...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allHope in the face of fear

It’s no coincidence that recent years have seen a surge in apocalyptic dystopias in literature and film. Nor is it surprising that catastrophism and polarisation have seeped into...

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