Retrat de Areti Markopoulou

Architect, researcher and urban technologist

Areti Markopoulou is an architect, researcher and urban technologist working at the intersection between architecture and digital technologies. 

She is the Academic Director of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), where she also leads the Advanced Architecture Group, a multidisciplinary research group exploring how design and science can positively impact and transform spaces and the way we live and interact. She is the founder of the multidisciplinary practice Design Dynamics Studio and co-editor of Urban Next, a global network focused on rethinking architecture in contemporary urban settings.

Articles by Areti Markopoulou

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureCities that learn from science: the response to a design crisis

COVID-19 has spread faster in dense urban areas, resulting in a higher mortality rate compared to rural areas. By drawing the diagram of the virus’s behaviour and its spread in cities,...

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