Retrat de Daniel Innerarity

Philosopher and essayist

Daniel Innerarity is a Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Zaragoza and Ikerbasque researcher at the University of the Basque Country. He directs the Institute of Democratic Governance. His research revolves around the governance of contemporary societies. 

He has received several awards, including the National Essay Prize and the Prince of Viana Prize for Culture. Daniel is the author of La política en tiempos de indignación [Politics in the Times of Indignation] (Gutenberg Galaxy, 2015) and Una teoría de la democracia compleja. Gobernar en el siglo xxi [A Theory of Complex Democracy. Governing in the 21st Century] (Gutenberg Galaxy, 2019).

Articles by Daniel Innerarity

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicWhat will the world be like after the crisis?

The coronavirus crisis will not mean the end of globalisation or of European integration, but an incentive to configure them differently. In the wake of crises there are lessons learned...

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