Retrat de Genís Roca

Archaeologist and businessman

Founder and president of RocaSalvatella, president of the Fundació puntCAT, member of the RACC board of directors and of the board of trustees at the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana, Ship2B Foundation and Fundació Escoles Garbí.

Director of the Postgraduate Course in Digital Transformation of Organisations at Pompeu Fabra University, and lecturer at more than twenty universities and business schools. He continues to have regular segments on Catalunya Ràdio and RAC1, and contributes to several press and television media outlets.

Articles by Genís Roca

Il·lustració. © Laura Watcher
Digital dividesIt’s not a divide, it’s a chasm

Fulfilling fundamental rights such as employment, training, health and citizen participation calls for access to a high-speed connection and advanced digital skills. Now that...

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