Debbie and Humbert got married on the same day that Ibiza died. Carla found the turtle with her head inside her shell and her legs stretched out. Her friends from handball had...
Poet, narrator and artist
Irene Solà (Malla, 1990) is part of the Vols Russos artistic collective, founded in Girona, which brings together poets, photographers and plastic artists.
She has won the Anagrama 2019 award for her third book, Canto jo i la muntanya balla [I Sing and the Mountain Dances]. Her book of poems entitled Bèstia [Beast] won the 2012 Amadeu Oller poetry prize for unpublished poets under the age of 30 and her novel Els dics [The Dikes] won the Documenta 2017 award.
Last Update: July, 2019
Debbie and Humbert got married on the same day that Ibiza died. Carla found the turtle with her head inside her shell and her legs stretched out. Her friends from handball had...
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