The collective expression of fear turns individual anxiety into collective paralysis, and, as far as the climate crisis is concerned, this is the fastest and surest road to disaster....
Writer and editor
Layla Martínez is a writer and editor at the independent publisher Levanta Fuego. She has given workshops on horror literature and on female archetypes of evil, and has coordinated film programmes about social horror and utopia in cinema.
She has published the essay Utopía no es una isla [Utopia Isn’t an Island] (Episkaia, 2019) and the novel Carcoma [Woodworm] (Amor de Madre, 2021). She is currently working on her second novel.
Last Update: October, 2022
The collective expression of fear turns individual anxiety into collective paralysis, and, as far as the climate crisis is concerned, this is the fastest and surest road to disaster....
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