Care is a relational practice that involves those who give it and those who receive it and includes both the right to be cared for and the right to care. As work on the ethics of care...
Sociologist and political scientist
Marian Barnes is Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, University of Brighton. Sociologist and political scientist, she is internationally recognised for her contributions in various fields of social policy.
In the past she has led the Care, Health and Well-being Research Programme at the University of Brighton. She was Professor of Social Research at the University of Birmingham, where she worked in the Health Services Management Centre and then the Institute of Applied Social Studies where she was Director of Social Research.
Author of many publications on care, participation, ageing and mental health, her books include Ethics of Care: Critical Advances in International Perspective (various authors, 2015) and Care in Everyday Life: An Ethic of Care in Practice (2012).
Last Update: March, 2022
Care is a relational practice that involves those who give it and those who receive it and includes both the right to be cared for and the right to care. As work on the ethics of care...
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