Retrat de Marta Murrià


sociologist with a Master’s Degree in Criminology, Criminal Policy and Security. She is currently the head of the Urban Coexistence and Safety Unit at the Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies (IERMB) and associate professor at the University of Barcelona and on the IERMB’s Metropolis Master. 

Her lines of analysis are focused on research aimed at the design of prevention policies in the field of urban security and coexistence.

Last Update: July, 2021

Articles by Marta Murrià Sangenís

Il·lustració © Nicolás Aznárez
Urban violenceChanges and trends in the perception of security

Conflict is inherent to life in society, and the pursuit of security in coexistence is a universal need. Zero risk is impossible. The causes of conflict evolve and, with them, so do the...

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