The reaction that countries have in the wake of the coronavirus crisis will reveal a great deal about the sort of democracy they have. Weak democracies will repeal civil rights and...
Journalist and researcher
Marta Peirano is a journalist and researcher. He writes about technology, digital art and surveillance in numerous media. She is a collaborator at eldiario.es, where she was assistant to the director and head of Culture. He has founded the newspaper ADN, the magazine Campobase and the projects Copyfight, Cryptoparty Berlin and Hack/Hackers Berlin.
He is a member of the cyber defense working group of the National Defense Studies Center (CESEDEN). He has written books on automata, machine notation, and collective production formats. The best known is El Pequeño Libro Rojo del activista en la network (Roca, 2015), foreword by Edward Snowden. His most recent work is El enemigo conoce el sistema (Debate, 2019).
Last Update: May, 2020
The reaction that countries have in the wake of the coronavirus crisis will reveal a great deal about the sort of democracy they have. Weak democracies will repeal civil rights and...
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