
With a Degree in Geography from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and pursuing an MA and PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, she serves as the director of the consultancy Borakasi. Her experience includes designing and co-directing the Urban Audit of European Cities for the European Commission and evaluating various projects such as the V Framework Programme, Ecos Ouverture, Recite II and Urban Pilot Projects. 

She has played a pivotal role in establishing the Eurocities network and has held the positions of director of the Universal Forum of Cultures Foundation (2005-2017), vice-president of the Social Council of the UAB (2004-2014), and member of the Global Advisory Council of the United Nations Global Compact Cities Programme. In addition, she has served as the president of the jury for the Barcelona Forum Award of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.

Last Update: April 30, 2024

Articles by Mireia Belil

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
La ciutat dels cinc milionsEuropa, sistema de ciutats

Europa, on prop del 80% de la població és urbana, és un sistema de ciutats policèntriques i dinàmiques que...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionEurope’s city system

In Europe, where approximately 80% of the population resides in urban areas, a network of polycentric and...

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