Angela Davis embodies the revolutionary fascination and the nostalgia for remote struggles. She has an innate ability to translate complex thoughts into slogans for the public at large...
Tania Adam
Journalist and cultural producer
Founder and editor of Radio Àfrica Magazine, she works as a presenter for Radio Àfrica on Betevé (91.0 FM) and contributes to TV programmes including Els Matins on TV3, La Directa, Playgrounder, Africa is a Country and Ctxt, among others. She has presented the interview programme Terrícoles on Betevé and African Bubblegum Musica on Ràdio Primavera Sound.
The main focus of her work is on black diasporas around the world, with a special emphasis on African music and women. She has also curated public programmes such as “Microhistòries de la Diàspora. Experiències encarnades de la dispersió femenina [Microhistories of the Diaspora. “Embodied” Experiences of Female Dispersion] (La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, 2018-2019) and the debate programme in community centres on the subject of the exhibition “Making Africa ”(CCCB / ICUB, 2016).
Last Update: December, 2020
Articles by Tania Adam
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