Nussbaum traces the genealogy of the cosmopolitan tradition, which is rooted in the response given by Diogenes the Cynic when asked where he was from, to which he answered he was a ...
Philosopher and researcher
Teresa Hoogeveen (Barcelona, 1989) is a philosopher and researcher in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona.
She dedicates her research to the philosopher, writer and feminist Françoise Collin, and especially to her involvement with the magazine Les Cahiers du GRIF and her dedication to the thinking of Hannah Arendt. She specialises in European feminism of the second half of the twentieth century and the conceptions of difference developed therein.
Last Update: October, 2020
Nussbaum traces the genealogy of the cosmopolitan tradition, which is rooted in the response given by Diogenes the Cynic when asked where he was from, to which he answered he was a ...
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