Barcelona in figures: Industry 4.0
Information and communications technologies are a strategic sector in a city’s economy, not just because of the volume of investment and jobs they generate, but also because of the part they play in improving competitiveness and as a driving force for development in other productive sectors. Most businesses in the digital industry or industry 4.0 are located in Barcelona and its metropolitan area and in 2017 they accounted for 400,000 jobs.
>> Population employed in high-tech and medium-to-high-tech manufacturing in the European regions (2017)
In 2017, Catalonia was the fourth region in Europe with more population employed in high-tech and medium-to-high-tech manufacturing.

<< Employees according to knowledge intensity of the activity (2017, % over the total)
Barcelona concentrates 1.1 million jobs. More than half (54.1 %) are in knowledge-intensive activities and the city is the central nucleus of this segment of the economy, with 42.7 % of jobs of this type in Catalonia.
>> Jobs in ICT activities in BarcelonaThe ICT sector gives work to more than 54,000 people and almost 2,800 firms require ICT workers, which represents 5.1 % of jobs and 3.7 % of the city’s business fabric. This makes Barcelona the central nucleus in the sector in Catalonia, as it concentrates 55 % of the employment and 45.9 % of the business fabric. In 2017, it is estimated that the information and communications sector –which encompasses ICT– generates 8.1 % of Barcelona’s gross added value. Catalonia is home to 23 % of Spain’s technological and digital technological companies and 90 % of these are in Barcelona.

>> Evolution of jobs and businesses in Barcelona (2007 – 2011)

<< Proportion of open-ended contracts in all ICT sectors in Barcelona (2017, % of total contracts)The digital economy creates quality jobs. Both the proportion of open-ended contracts (52.6% of the contracts signed in ICTs in 2017, as against 14.1 % for the economy as a whole) and wages and salaries in the sector are clearly above average in Barcelona. The level of wages in jobs in the ICT sector exceeds that of the city by more than 7,200 € (25 %).

<< Manufacturing industry
and industry 4.0 (2017)
>> Jobs associated with industry 4.0
in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

Digital city
A digital city is what rouses most interest in the digital world.
The number of internet searches for Barcelona in relation to the tourism sector has grown by 32 % in the last year.
In the sphere of investment, searches have grown by 11 %.
And as regards internet searches for talent there has been an increase of 24 %.
- 2nd European city and 9th in the world rousing most interest and most internet searches (investment, tourism and talent). Source: Digital City Index 2017.
- 13th city in the world in technological maturity for social cohesion and sustainable development. Source: Networked Society City Index 2016
>> Index of European Digital Cities
The position of Barcelona, London and Stockholm in relation to different parameters defining digital cities.

Entrepreneurship and investment
- 4th city where start-ups have received most investment. Source: Atómico. The State of European Tech 2017.
- 5th most important start-up hub city in Europe. In 2017, for the third consecutive year, Barcelona was the city that registered most start-ups in one year. Source: Rànquing EU-startups 2017.
- 9th urban area in the world in foreign investment projects captured. Source: Global Cities Investment Monitor 2016.
- 9th European city in support to digital entrepreneurship. Source: European Digital City Index 2016.
>> Capital invested in start-ups by sectors in Barcelona (2018, %)

>> The 10 favourite European cities for locating a start-up (2017)

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