Rertrat de Caterina Biscari
‘In an election campaign, the word “science” never appears’

Caterina Biscari

Alba is the most important synchrotron light laboratory in the Mediterranean and south-west Europe. However, it is a great unknown for Barcelona society in general....

Retrat de Marta Reynal-Querol
Science at the service of conflict prevention

Marta Reynal-Querol

To prevent wars, it is essential that we stress on the prior latent causes of the unrest. The use of modern technologies and the analysis of big data are the basis of...

Retrat d'Isabelle Anguelovski © Pere Virgili
“Powerful investors have taken over the ecological agenda”

Isabelle Anguelovski, researcher in political ecology

The creation of city parks, green belts and ecological corridors in urban neighbourhoods attracts upmarket estate agencies and new residents with more purchasing...

Il·lustració. Retrat de Richard Sennett © Guillem Cifré
The individual cornered in the market

In his essays, Richard Sennett considers the ways of life that capitalism is destroying. He looks at the alienating mechanisms of the market, and considers more...

Il·lustració. Mary Robinson i Adela Cortina.© Guillem Cifré
Business and human rights

Multinational enterprises are increasingly aware of the need to respect fundamental rights, and not only for legal and ethical reasons; there are also sound...


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