Tota la programació de les Festes de Santa Eulàlia 2025!

Convocatòria de subvencions 2025 per a la programació d’arts escèniques

BCNegra celebra el 20è aniversari amb una edició marcada per la connexió amb el Mediterrani

Xarim Aresté, Lia Sampai i Dani Pubill, al Sons de Ciutat

Torna Escena, el circuit que apropa als barris les arts en viu!

Temporals 2025 - 2026, contemporary art comes back to the hood

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All the activities of the search

Taller 'Espai d'acompanyament al dol (Ens cuidem)' *NOU

When: Del 22/01/2025 al 26/03/2025
Where: Casal de Barri Espai Antoni Miró Peris Pl Carme Montoriol 10 (Sant Martí)

Espectacle "La Majordoma" de Josep Maria Miró

When: Del 28/01/2025 al 23/02/2025
Where: Sala Heartbreak Hotel Carrer de Bacardí 35 (Sants-Montjuïc)

Exposició 'Planeta Vida'

When: Permanent event
Where: Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona Plaça de Leonardo da Vinci 4*5 (Sant Martí)

Grup de Petanca del Jardí de Vil·la Cecília

When: Permanent event
Where: Jardins de Vil·la Cecília Santa Amèlia 1 (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi)

Taller 'Ioga'

When: Del 08/01/2025 al 21/03/2025
Where: Centre Cívic Joan Oliver - Pere Quart Carrer del Comandant Benítez 6 (Les Corts)

Taller 'Punt de creu'

When: Del 15/01/2025 al 26/03/2025
Where: Casal de Barri Bac de Roda - Poblenou Camí Antic de València 106 (Sant Martí)

Taller 'Costura i labors'

When: Del 22/01/2025 al 26/03/2025
Where: Casal de Barri Can Baró - El Pirineu C Josep Serrano 59*71 (Horta-Guinardó)

Cercle d'homes

When: Del 01/09/2024 al 31/07/2025
Where: Centre per a Families amb Adolescents de Sant Antoni Maria Claret 64-78 (Gràcia)

Cultural news


Sala Gaspar and Alfred Jarry, themes of the 2025 exhibitions at Picasso Museum

28/01/2025 - 12:15 h

The centre, which has broken visitor records, is rearranging their permanent collection, which will have a different look from June onwards, and will open a new reception area at the end of the year.


La Capella opens 2025 with an exhibition by Daniel Moreno Roldán

27/01/2025 - 11:10 h

The Espai Rampa hosts a second exhibition by Pol Clusella Arimany, an immersive proposal on the imminence of catastrophe.


BCNegra celebrates its 20th anniversary with an edition marked by the connection with the Mediterranean

24/01/2025 - 12:00 h

The crime novel festival will bring together 145 participants and will programme 46 activities from 10 to 16 February in different venues around the city.


Yasmina Khadra, winner of the 20th Pepe Carvalho Award

24/01/2025 - 12:00 h

The renowned Algerian writer has been awarded the prize that recognises the best careers in the crime fiction genre.


The Torre de la Sagrera air-raid shelter opens to the public

21/01/2025 - 13:25 h

The city’s fourth visitable air-raid shelter, which stands out for its fine conservation and the use local people and workers made of it in the Civil War, is open to small groups on Fridays and Saturdays. Admission is 3 euros.


Llum BCN: an immersive experience that takes over the public space

20/01/2025 - 11:15 h

Joan Fontcuberta, Isaki Lacuesta and Laura Clos ‘Closca’, among the artists who, from 7 to 9 February, combine art, technology and the most diverse disciplines in the streets and squares of Sant Martí.


The experience of living in the city

14/01/2025 - 13:55 h

A cycle at Casa Golferichs Civic Centre analyses how tourism and gentrification have changed urban life.

Michel Ragon 2© Louis Monier 2024 Bridgeman Images LA VIRREINA

Rupture in art, the thematic axis of the next exhibitions at La Virreina

14/01/2025 - 11:10 h

The Rambla centre presents the exhibition programme for 2025, which begins with a show dedicated to the art and architecture critic Michel Ragon.

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Cinema   ( + )
Image of the poster advertising the activities

A cycle of activities in the different rooms of the Science Museum brings us into contact with the latest...

Three of the band's artists pictured in the dressing room before a performance.

A festival dedicated to black music spread across the Catalan geography stops in Barcelona....

Portrait of the winning pianist of the last edition of the Maria Canals International Competition.

The venue on Carrer de Lepant is hosting thirteen concerts and a free musical marathon between...

The artist portrayed looking at the camera against a black background.

The guest conductor of the OBC performs compositions by Tchaikovsky and Poulenc, among others.

Routes and visits
A sculpture of the Death when kissing a man

Matas i Ramis Civic Centre organises guided tours of the city's cemeteries.

The Circ Raluy big top at the Port Vell with a full moon in the background

The new directors of the company bring the show Cyborg...

Cinema   ( + )
Robot Dreams, un film d'animació per a totes les edats

The animated film that, without dialogue, presents a profound reflection on friendship and loss.

Routes and visits
An image from the guide that proposes an itinerary around Barcelona following Tàpies' works.

A guide published by the cooperative El Globus Vermell provides a free tour that reviews the...

All the activities of the search

Taller 'Espai d'acompanyament al dol (Ens cuidem)' *NOU

When: Del 22/01/2025 al 26/03/2025
Where: Casal de Barri Espai Antoni Miró Peris Pl Carme Montoriol 10 (Sant Martí)

Espectacle "La Majordoma" de Josep Maria Miró

When: Del 28/01/2025 al 23/02/2025
Where: Sala Heartbreak Hotel Carrer de Bacardí 35 (Sants-Montjuïc)

Exposició 'Planeta Vida'

When: Permanent event
Where: Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona Plaça de Leonardo da Vinci 4*5 (Sant Martí)

Grup de Petanca del Jardí de Vil·la Cecília

When: Permanent event
Where: Jardins de Vil·la Cecília Santa Amèlia 1 (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi)

Taller 'Ioga'

When: Del 08/01/2025 al 21/03/2025
Where: Centre Cívic Joan Oliver - Pere Quart Carrer del Comandant Benítez 6 (Les Corts)

Taller 'Punt de creu'

When: Del 15/01/2025 al 26/03/2025
Where: Casal de Barri Bac de Roda - Poblenou Camí Antic de València 106 (Sant Martí)

Taller 'Costura i labors'

When: Del 22/01/2025 al 26/03/2025
Where: Casal de Barri Can Baró - El Pirineu C Josep Serrano 59*71 (Horta-Guinardó)

Cercle d'homes

When: Del 01/09/2024 al 31/07/2025
Where: Centre per a Families amb Adolescents de Sant Antoni Maria Claret 64-78 (Gràcia)