Can Mamella // Manolo Laguillo + Rocío Robles + Higo Mental
Interior de la 'casa cuna'. Cortesia dels Amics de la Fabra i Coats

17.00 BARCELONA 1979-2023, conference by Manolo Laguillo
18.00 A Kilo of Sand, conference by Rocío Robles
19.00 Higo Mental #28 Barchinona superilla (Ricardo Pérez Hita and Marta Sesé)
Manolo Laguillo graduated in philosophy and German philology from Universitat de Barcelona in 1975. He has been chair of photography at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the same university since 1996, where he had previously been a lecturer (1980-1989) and full professor (1989-1996). Between 1986 and 1992 he was a visiting professor of photography at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste (University of Fine Arts) in Braunschweig, Germany. In 2023, he joined the RACAB (Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona). He has translated Walter Benjamin, Franz Hessel and Siegfried Kracauer. Manolo has lived and worked in Barcelona since 1972 and since 1977 the city has been the main object of his photography work.
Rocío Robles is a professor in the History of Art Department at the Complutense University of Madrid. She co-curated the exhibitions Un sitio para pensar. Escuelas y prácticas educativas experimentales de arte en el País Vasco, 1957-1979 (Artium Museoa and Foundation Museum Jorge Oteiza, 2022) and Encuentros con los años 30 (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2012), and was also a member of the team for Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía's Repensar Guernica project in its first phase and launch (2017). She is the author of several books and articles, notably Informe Guernica. Sobre el lienzo de Picasso y su imagen (Ediciones Asimétricas, 2019) and her collaboration on the book Picasso e Historia (Museo Picasso Málaga, 2021). In addition, the anthologies she published Picasso y sus críticos I. Recepción del Guernica, 1937-1947 and Picasso y sus críticos II. Los años comunistas (both by Ediciones de La Central, 2012), her article “El Instituto Alemán, espacio de excepción en el último decenio del franquismo” (Desacuerdos, no. 8, 2013) and her book Pintura de humo (Editorial Siruela, 2008) must all be mentioned.
The Higo Mental collective (Ricardo Pérez-Hita i Marta Sesé) was created in 2014 and develops, from artistic practice and social research, a body of critical thinking around images and imageries, focussing particularly on visual culture and the internet archive.Their practice is based on conducting performative conferences in the form of videological dialogue, in which the alternation of materials creates a critical narrative that questions the hegemonic system of representation. This format has been taken to various spaces and institutions such as MNAC, Arts Santa Mònica, FOC, Pols, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Las Cigarreras, Fira de Tàrrega, Homesession and CA2M, among others. They have also developed projects in the field of education, such as those carried out at MACBA (Tranquila, es solo arena, 2022; P2P Tenen cos els streamers?, 2023), at Can Felipa (Espigolar el Poblenou, 2021-2022) and at Sala d'Art Jove (Al servei d’, 2021).
Can Mamella is a programme designed for all audiences who are interested in contemporary art and thinking.
Please register for the workshops by writing to, indicating your connection with contemporary art and thinking, your motivation for registering for the workshop and attaching a brief CV (if relevant, with links to your work)
With the support of: GREC Festival de Barcelona; Elisava, Facultat de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona; i la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
With the collaboration of: Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Barcelona; el grau d’Arts i Disseny de l’Escola Massana; BAU Centre Universitari d’Arts i Disseny de Barcelona; i EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona (UAB).