Work gets under way in the central part of the Parc de les Glòries
The transformation of Plaça de les Glòries continues in the section connecting the side of the park nearest the mountains, now completed, and the side nearest the sea, where the tram interchange is being built. This space of 4.3 hectares will be used to create over 9,000 square metres of greenery, a large pedestrian avenue and new spaces for community activities.The work affects the space above the road tunnels, where Av. Diagonal, Av. Meridiana and the Gran Via converge, creating pedestrian paths that cross the park.
What will we find there?
- Pedestrian avenue with an ornamental fountain, connecting Av. Diagonal from one side of the park to the other.
- Berta Cáceres sensory agora: over 2,500 square metres of multi-purpose space surrounded by a crown of giant bamboo.
- Umbracle: a total of 668 square metres to organise various acts in the shade.
- Immersive garden with species adapted to climate change, offering access to the metro station.
- Super play area for children: nearly 2,000 square metres of space with 35 elements, a sandpit and areas for people to spend time in.
- Water park: installation allowing children to freshen up in the summer and somewhere people can spend time the rest of the year.
- New dog recreation area of 1,144 square metres.
- New biodoversity nodes, parterres and rain gardens.
More health and well-being in Plaça de les Glòries
Shifting traffic below ground and creating the park has helped cut pollution from NO2 and PM10 by 40% and 13% respectively. Noise pollution has also been reduced by 9 decibels.
When the work on the central part of the park is completed, the city will have gained nine hectares of space for public uses, 30,000 square metres of greenery and over 1,000 trees.