Retrat de Ana Moragues Faus

Agricultural engineer

Agricultural engineer specialised in the environment and PhD in Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology and Food Policy. Senior researcher (Ramón y Cajal Programme) at the University of Barcelona and a visiting researcher in the Sustainable Places Institute at the University of Cardiff.

She studies sustainable agri-food systems and food security, and recently the emergence and evolution of urban food strategies. Furthermore, she is involved in participatory action research with civil society organisations and public institutions in Europe and Latin America, such as the Sustainable Food Cities network in the UK. She is the author of La alimentación sostenible: manual para ciudades [Sustainable Food: Manual for Cities] (Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan, Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Barcelona, 2020).

Articles by Ana Moragues Faus

Il·lustració © Riki Blanco
Towards a new food modelFood for a good life

Today’s food system – the way we produce, process, distribute, sell and consume food and manage its waste – spawns disease, inequality and poverty, and harms the ecological base of the...

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