Portrait of José Ramón Ubieto

Clinical psychologist

Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, he is a lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the University of Barcelona and the Universitat Ramon Llull.

He publishes regularly in La Vanguardia and The Conversation, and in various national and international journals. He is the author, among others, of Bullying. Una falsa salida para los adolescentes [Bullying. A False Way Out for Adolescents] (2016), Niñ@s hiper. Infancias hiperactivas, hipersexualizadas, hiperconectadas [Hyper Children. Hyperactive, Hypersexualised, Hyperconnected Childhoods] (2018), Del padre al iPad. Familias y redes en la era digital [From Parent to iPad. Families and Networks in the Digital Age] (2019), El mundo pos-COVID. Entre la presencia y lo virtual [The Post-Covid World. Between Presence and Virtuality] (2021) and ¿Bienvenido metaverso? Presencia, cuerpo y avatares en la era digital [Welcome Metaverse? Presence, Body and Avatars in the Digital Age] (2022), all published by Ned Ediciones.

Articles by José Ramón Ubieto

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureHybrid teens: between presence and virtuality

Today’s reality cannot be interpreted with last century’s codes. All too often, our prejudices make us ignore...

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