Retrat d'Oriol Díez

Data journalist

Data journalist at Storydata.

Last Update: March, 2022

Articles by Oriol Díez

Taula amb un fonendoscopi i un aparell per mesurar la pressió. © Carlota Serarols
Health beyond Covid-19

Covid-19 has posed a huge challenge for all public health services and has had an unequal impact on the population of Barcelona, depending on age, neighbourhood and socioeconomic status...

Obrers de la construcció que treballen en un edifici en obres destinat a habitatge públic al carrer de Viladomat, 142. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The housing crisis

Being able to access decent housing is a basic right recognised in both the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy. In Barcelona, the historic lack of public housing...

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