Sant Pau, part of our history and part of our soul
“If the hospital were taken away, it’d change Barcelona’s soul.” The first time I read those words, written by Doctor Josep Cornudella about the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, I...
Barcelona, 1972
Writer and graduated in History
Tània Juste (Barcelona, 1972) Writer, graduated in History from the University of Barcelona.
In 2009 she published her first novel, A flor de pell (On Edge), set in the Barcelona of the 1920s, in the middle of the Primo de Rivera dictatorship. In 2015 she won the Nèstor Luján Prize for historical novels with Temps de família (Family Time).
Last update: October, 2018
“If the hospital were taken away, it’d change Barcelona’s soul.” The first time I read those words, written by Doctor Josep Cornudella about the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, I...
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