David Sánchez

David Sánchez (Madrid, 1977) is the author of comics. His first graphic novel, Tú me has matado (Astiberri, 2010), won the new author award at the Barcelona International Comic Fair, and his second work, No cambies nunca (Astiberri, 2012), was nominated as the best work by a Spanish author at the same fair. His publications include Videojuegos (Astiberri, 2012) and La muerte en los ojos (¡Caramba!, 2012); Museomaquia (Astiberri / Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2017), with a script by Santiago García; Los años de internet (Astiberri, 2021) along with Damian Bradfield; Un millón de años (Astiberri, 2017); and En otro lugar, un poco más tarde (Astiberri, 2019). He recently published Fuego de bengala (Astiberri, 2023).

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IG: @amorlangosta