Jordi de Manuel

Jordi de Manuel (Barcelona, 1962) is a biologist, lecturer and writer. He has written 15 novels and seven short-story anthologies and contributed to several anthologies. A recipient of awards such as the City of Tarragona Pin i Soler award, the Manuel de Pedrolo award for Science Fiction and the Ictineu award on three occasions, he writes noir and science-fiction stories, often combining them. His notable genre works include L’olor de la pluja (La Magrana), La decisió de Manperel (Columna), Tres somnis blaus (Columna), El cant de les dunes (Pagès) and El món fosc. Talps (JoLlibre). He recently contributed to the science-fiction noir anthology Vapor negre. Barcelona steampunk 1911 (Clandestina).

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IG: @jordidmanu