Marta R. Gustems

Marta R. Gustems (Barcelona, 1976) had a long career as a clothing designer, after which she decided to work exclusively in painting and drawing. Direct contact with writers and the world of publishing piqued her interest in literature, and in 2020 she decided to become a writer. Her first poetry collection, A boca de Fosc (Editorial Fonoll), was published in the spring of the pandemic. She published her first prose work, ‘Qui’, on the ‘Paper de vidre’ portal, devoted exclusively to short stories. No en cap altre lloc (Llibres del Delicte) is her first novel, which she co-wrote with Maiol de Gràcia. She recently published Endins (Pagès Editors), a novel with unrealistic elements that she wrote by herself.

TW: @MartaRGustems

IG: @marta_r._gustems