Sebastià Portell

Sebastià Portell (Ses Salines, 1992) is the author of the novels Ariel i els cossos (Empúries) and El dia que va morir David Bowie (LaBreu, Barcelona Time Out Creator of the Year), the short-story collection Maracaibo (Adia) and the essay Les nenes que llegien al lavabo (Ara Llibres), as well as several plays. He was also commissioned to write the biographical volume Antònia Vicens. Massa deutes amb les flors (Lleonard Muntaner) and Amors sense casa (Angle), the first anthology of Catalan LGBTQ poetry. His recent publications include the novel Les altures (Empúries). He is also the Chair of the Catalan-Language Writers’ Association (AELC).

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IG: @sebastiaportell