Blanca Llum Vidal


Blanca Llum Vidal is a poet and writer of fiction.

She has published La cabra que hi havia (Documenta Balear, 2009), Nosaltres i tu (Lleonard Muntaner, 2011), Homes i ocells (Club Editor, 2012), Visca! (Documenta Balear, 2012), Punyetera flor (LaBreu Edicions, 2014), Maripasoula: Crònica d’un viatge a la Guaiana Francesa (Tushita Edicions, 2015) and Aquest amor que no és u (Ultramarinos Editorial, 2018). She oversaw the publication of Àngel Carmona’s Dues Catalunyes (Lleonard Muntaner Editor, 2010) and of Àngel Guimerà’s Poesia completa (Edicions de 1984, 2010).

Articles by Blanca Llum Vidal

Llibre: Barcelona feminista 1975-1988. Isabel Segura Soriano
I am an adulteress, too

Her name was María Ángeles Muñoz and she was the cause of the rebellious catchphrase of solidarity a multitude of women also adopted: ‘I am an adulteress, too”. This catchphrase ‘not...

Il·lustració © Mireia Zantop
The pride of the hillside

I suspect that Jane Bowles, Pere Calders, Nelly Sachs, Joan Maragall, Federico García Lorca, Josep Vicenç Foix and Mercè Rodoreda once lived together in Vallvidrera. This neighbourhood...

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