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Retrat de Marta Reynal-Querol
Science at the service of conflict prevention

Marta Reynal-Querol

To prevent wars, it is essential that we stress on the prior latent causes of the unrest. The use of modern technologies and the analysis of big data are the basis of innovative...

Il·lustració © Lapin
El Poblenou, from grey to blue

These days, not even the neighbourhood’s own mother would recognize it. Still, it’s worth saying that the change has been for the better.

Llibre: Els Barcelonins, Adrià Pujol Cruells
All-year-round Carnival

The book by Pujol Cruells is neither pleasing nor insulting. By means of the passing of the year, he draws an image of the people of Barcelona based on a meticulous observation of their...

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