Beach experts group


The entire coastline

Platges de Barcelona

Barcelona’s beaches are structurally deficient in sand, with a low capacity for recovery and a purely erosive behaviour, especially in the inner zone. The recommendations set out in the short-term Strategic Coastal Plan are based on an artificial supply of sediment to all the beaches, monitoring and an alarm system. 

Existing plans and programmes point to the need for long-term planning, and the effects of storm Glòria highlight the need for reflection on the future of the beaches and have put the city on notice with a vision that goes beyond Barcelona’s coastline.

The proposal is to set up a working group of experts to reflect on the future of Barcelona’s beaches and to respond to the challenges posed by the climate emergency. The main objective of the group of experts is to establish a new model of beach management in order to achieve a resilient coastline, adapted to climate emergencies and allowing for more sustainable management.  

This line of work complements the actions defined in the Climate Emergency Declaration

What are we doing?

  • Creation of a group of experts on Barcelona’s beaches. The group is made up of leading experts in managing and directing coastal and climate change projects, drawn from different research centres, universities and prestigious organisations, as well as technical professionals from the relevant areas at municipal level.

  • Holding of working sessions with the group of experts (future vision, criteria, model and debate) from December 2020 to March 2021.

  • Process completed and summary document produced in September 2021.

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