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Lines of work


The CULTUROPOLIS programme and activities are structured around four main lines of work:

  • Cultural work and sustainability

    The framework of cultural rights also includes the right to work in the cultural sector under decent conditions. All necessary tasks that are focused on culture must be recognised and valued, not only the most visible ones. We must approach inequalities that occur in cultural work from an intersectional perspective, and ensure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of cultural work.

  • Diversities

    This area tackles the diversity of identities included in cultural rights (gender, sex, ethnicity, language, origin, background, etc.) and the difficulties that may be encountered with regard to freely experiencing this diversity.

    There is a need to tackle the insufficient presence and visibility of diversities in cultural expressions and practices, as well as in participation and the decision-making capacity inherent in the design of cultural policies.

  • Participation and communities

    There are various conditions that affect the right to participate in the city’s cultural life, as well as the various forms of participation. This area tackles the various ways of exercising cultural rights in a collective fashion, analysing the opportunities and challenges involved in experiencing culture as a community.

  • Digital environments

    There is a direct relationship between cultural rights and digital rights. The digitalisation of culture, as well as social and economic life as a whole, has opened up new possibilities for access and participation, but also for reproducing and creating new inequalities that condition cultural rights. The circulation of content, the ability to access it and facilitate its use are all part of this area.