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Emma Rodríguez
Emma Rodriguez
Advisor Member of the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy

Advisor Member of the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy since 2021 and Professor of Labor Law and Social Security at the University of Vigo.

She has carried out her research work in four research projects of the call for the ministerial national plan until the year 2017, all of them on working time, discrimination and age; employment and conciliation; the role of negotiation and participation mechanisms in the management of change in the company: regulatory reforms and good practices.

Specialized in Labor and Social Security Law, she is the author of two monographs, co-author of another, and co-author of four more. In addition, she has published as co-author two manuals of Practical Cases of Labor and Social Security Law and four studies on undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate teaching in the new European Higher Education Area.

She has published as author more than forty articles in specialized magazines and more than thirty book chapters.

Her work as an undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral university professor was carried out both at the University of Vigo and at the University of Castilla La Mancha, where she worked as a visiting professor for two academic years; She highlights her role as coordinator for five years of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Labor Management and Direction and the Specialist Course in Collective and Individual Negotiation in the workplace. She has also been a member of the Equality Commission of the University of Vigo and has participated in different reports for the preparation of state and regional regulations.

In addition to all this, she has taught both undergraduate and doctoral degrees, and as a researcher, at different European universities such as the University of Bordeaux, the University of Siena, the University of Bergen, the Portuguese Catholic University in Porto, the School of Law of the King's College London or Kingston University.
