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This section features a selection of the programmes and initiatives that are being carried out by Barcelona City Council that are linked to the goals and areas of action of the Government Measure for Democratising Care Work in the city.

Care is a very broad concept that is incorporated into numerous departments, programmes and initiatives in the city and encompasses an extensive range of people and groups.


Care programmes, resources and facilities, support and accompaniment for children and their families.

All the information relating to the municipal nursery schools promoted by the Municipal Institute of Education of Barcelona (IMEB): news, educational model, nursery locator, specific programmes, prices and other information of general interest.

Barcelona’s seven family spaces are aimed at families with children under 3. They provide an environment for playing and mixing with others, and they maintain contact with other primary care services in the fields of health, social services, schools and community-based organisations.

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A directory of municipal toy libraries - public facilities aimed at children and under-18s and their families - and their access criteria. Toy libraries aim to help with children’s overall development and support families in the task of educating them.

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A programme to give families with babies a meeting point and place for exchanging information where they can share their experiences and life lessons and reinforce a positive view of parenthood and their skills as parents.

A directory of the city's school playgrounds that are open for public use by families, children and teenagers outside school hours, at weekends and during school holidays.

A service to promote quality leisure time for young children with disabilities and to help achieve a balance between carer families’ work, family and personal lives.

A service to promote quality leisure time for children and young people with disabilities and to help achieve a balance between carer families’ work, family and personal lives.

A service aimed at families who need help looking after their children on a temporary basis for a variety of reasons (health, work-life balance, etc.).


Care and guidance programmes, resources and facilities for teenagers and young people, and support and accompaniment for their families.

A service to promote quality leisure time for children and young people with disabilities and to help achieve a balance between carer families’ work, family and personal lives.

A municipal service providing information, support, training and guidance with the goals set out below, aimed at people in parental roles (parents and guardians) with teenagers and young people.

Adults in dependent situations

Care and guidance programmes, resources and facilities for people in situations of dependency or restricted functional independence, or those with a disability or illness; and support and accompaniment for their families and community network.

A service to promote quality leisure time for young people and adults with disabilities and to help achieve a balance between carer families’ work, family and personal lives.

A directory of personal resources within municipal jurisdiction, most of them included in the city's Social Services portfolio. Services aimed at all citizens but with aspects of particular interest for people with disabilities.

Services delivering balanced and healthy meals to beneficiaries’ homes with the aim of ensuring that their basic nutritional needs are met. Requires a prior appointment with Social Services.

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A set of services and resources in the social, health and housework spheres aimed at people who, by reason of their age, disability or situation of dependency, have a limited ability to carry out basic daily tasks on their own or require permanent and remote assistance. Requires a prior appointment with Social Services.

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A supplementary transport service provided by the Municipal Institute for Persons with Disabilities (IMD) of Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) for when there is no regular adapted public transport.

Support services for the daily activities of people with disabilities, in which the person with disabilities decides what activities to carry out and when and how to carry them out.

The Interdisciplinary Health and Social Functional Units (UFISS) and the Home Assistance Programmes - Support Teams (PADES) are the two municipal services under which health services can be provided at beneficiaries’ homes. To receive these services, potential beneficiaries must first contact a Primary Care Centre (CAP).

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Free person-centred home assistance service that helps achieve a better quality of life and greater independence and security for beneficiaries and their families by fitting a very simple device that is connected to a central station though a telephone line.

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A service of the Municipal Institute for Persons with Disabilities which provides personalised assistance for queries on topics, resources, aids and services affecting people with physical, learning and sensory disabilities.

Elderly people

Care programmes, resources and facilities, and support and accompaniment for people over the age of 65 and their families and community network.

A financial assistance programme that makes it possible for elderly people in a situation of dependency to temporarily stay in a private elderly care home with the aim of supporting the people and families who care for them.

A community project promoted by Social Services to mitigate the effects of loneliness and prevent situations of risk for the elderly.

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Services delivering balanced and healthy meals to beneficiaries’ homes with the aim of ensuring that their basic nutritional needs are met. Requires a prior appointment with Social Services.

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A set of services and resources in the social, health and housework spheres aimed at people who, by reason of their age, disability or situation of dependency, have a limited ability to carry out basic daily tasks on their own or require permanent and remote assistance. Requires a prior appointment with Social Services.

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Free person-centred home assistance service that helps achieve a better quality of life and greater independence and security for beneficiaries and their families by fitting a very simple device that is connected to a central station though a telephone line.

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A municipal service to strengthen social relations for elderly people who feel lonely, and to improve their welfare through technology and the support of social revitalisation teams.

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Carer individuals and families

Programmes, resources and facilities for raising awareness, providing care and supporting and promoting mutual help for individuals and families in their role as carers.

A support and assistance service for men in relation to parenthood and child-raising in order to achieve a more egalitarian society and increased shared responsibility in the processes of parenthood.

An initiative to increase positive attitudes and behaviours and encourage men’s joint responsibility in domestic, reproductive and care work in the city.

Grants for the functional rehabilitation of homes and communal parts of buildings in order to improve accessibility and people's independence and living conditions in their homes.

A whole range of education proposals and activities to support the involvement of families as educational agents, in order to promote education in values so that citizens become active and inclusive and share responsibility for care.

A municipal project to raise awareness and prevent gender violence, promoted by the Support Services for Men (SAH), aimed at promoting men’s personal and social commitment to build a fairer and more equitable society for everyone.

The Smart Location Monitoring Service for Independence (MIMAL) is a device that can ascertain the geographical location of people with mild or moderate cognitive impairment. In addition, in an emergency, users can issue a warning and notification.

Services aimed at improving the conditions and state of maintenance of homes through tidying, one-off cleaning sessions or the purchase of basic household items.

A directory of organisations, institutions, programmes and public and community resources for the reception, assistance, guidance, provision of information, training and support of families in their care-giving role.

Professional carers

Public and community programmes and resources for raising awareness and for providing household workers and professional carer entities with care, guidance, training and support.

A guide promoted by the Family Carers’ Support Network that defines and structures the main characteristics of the reality of caregivers. Its aim is to provide guidance for professionals to help them take into account caregivers’ needs and perspectives.


Programmes for raising awareness of, and encouraging and promoting care and self-care.

A set of actions and measures envisaged in Barcelona City Council’s 2011-2013 Equal Opportunities Plan and a range of resources for municipal workers to obtain more flexible working hours and achieve a balance between work and their family and personal lives. 

A support, guidance and follow-up programme for families in their reunification process which provides a meeting place for them to learn more about the services available, meet people in the same situation as them, and enjoy a welcoming, empowering and understanding environment. 

Women's Support and Information Points (PIAD) provide women who want to increase their self-knowledge and personal empowerment with places for meeting, education and personal growth.

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A network composed of over one hundred companies and organisations of different sizes and from different industries that take steps to help their employees achieve a balance between their work, family, personal and social lives, increasing citizens’ productivity and quality of life.

This is an annual prize to promote, publicise and give recognition to the work carried out by businesses that are committed to the promotion of policies for the improvement of people's work, family and personal life balance in the city.