Retrat de José María Lassalle

Professor of Philosophy of Law

Director of the Technological Humanism Forum at ESADE and Professor of Philosophy of Law at the ICADE School of Law. He researches the political impact of technology on democracy and on Anglo-Saxon political philosophy. 

He was Secretary of State for Culture and the Digital Agenda. He is the author of Ciberleviatán. El colapso de la democracia liberal frente a la revolución digital [Cyberleviathan. The Collapse of Liberal Democracy Against the Digital Revolution] (Arpa, 2019), Contra el populismo. Cartografía de un totalitarismo posmoderno [Against Populism. Cartography of a Postmodern Totalitarianism] (Debate, 2017) and Liberales. Compromiso cívico con la virtud [Liberals. Civic Commitment to Virtue] (Debate, 2010), among others.

Articles by José María Lassalle

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicLow-intensity neo-fascism, for the time being

The lessons of history do not immunise us against fascism. The collective experience of the pandemic we are experiencing, with a stunned and shocked society, introduces a feeling of fear...

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