Llibre: Periodisme malgrat tot, Jaume Fabre
Grey journalism

Fabre is one the journalists who best knows his city. He wrote a splendid doctoral thesis on 1939 Barcelona and played a decisive role in safeguarding the memory of his guild. His new...

Llibre: Nazis a Barcelona. L’esplendor feixista de postguerra (1939-1945)
Catalonia, soiled

No book had previously managed to describe the extent to which the support for fascism manifested itself visually, both officially and in the popular arena. Nazis a Barcelona ...

Llibre: Dalí i Barcelona
An inventory of the eccentric Dalinian Barcelona

By default, everyone associates Dalí with Figueres, Madrid (the unavoidable Residencia de Estudiantes cultural centre, where the exceedingly shy Dalí was called “the Czechoslovakian”),...

Retrat de Joan Fontcuberta © Pere Virgili
Welcome to the post-photographic era

Joan Fontcuberta

In this day and age, images have become dangerous, even furious, and require an attitude of resistance on the part of intellectuals and artists. For Joan Fontcuberta, responsible...

Il·lustració © Judit Canela
Under the spell of a neighborhood (a poem spelled out in cantos)

The poet Josep Pedrals talks to us about his neighborhood in a poem.

(Translated from the Catalan by Ronald Puppo)

Il·lustració © Lluïsot
The old hospital garden

During those years I was undocumented. “Not having papers” used to mean (means) lacking facts. But there was nothing to fear in the library.

Participants al concurs de travestits Miss Barri Xino de 1934, imatge reproduïda al llibre La Criolla. La puerta dorada del Barrio Chino.
Return to China Town

Historia y leyenda del Barrio Chino (The History and Legends of China Town) (La Campana, 1966), by Paco Villar, is a singular book to which this return to the topic has now been...

Voluntaris olímpics en un assaig de la cerimònia d’inauguració dels Jocs de 1992. Foto: AFB
A pulsating, ambivalent Olympic Barcelona

On 1 June 1992, a summer storm rained down on Barcelona and, so too, on the magnetic protagonists of Lluís-Anton Baulenas’s latest novel, Amics per sempre (Friends Forever)....

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