The city of five millionDispersed urbanisation: An overlooked challenge

The Barcelona of five million encompasses not only the territory of dense and compact cities but also a...

Gent passejant pel carrer Pi i Maragall. ©Laura Guerrero
What are the people of Barcelona like, how do they live and what do they think?

Barcelona is experiencing growth (1.3% in the last year), driven by immigration (31% of registered residents born abroad, representing 177 nationalities), and its inhabitants are...

Illustration © Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityFacilitating parenthood

Barcelona has one of the lowest fertility rates globally, yet boasts one of the highest life expectancies. This reality carries profound demographic, social and economic...

Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityEvolving fatherhoods: Men on a journey of transformation

The redefinition of fatherhood opens up optimistic possibilities but raises some questions. Why do men...

Il·lustració ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityThe emotional roots of the birth rate crisis

The current birth rate crisis is linked to something deeper than cultural or sociological aspects. It is...

Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityRecognising and integrating family diversity

So-called “new families” are not truly new; they have always existed. Flexible family arrangements and...

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