SubjectFeminism and women

Randi Williams is a researcher and educator, specialising in robotics. She is also a humanist and a community leader. Her work focuses on integrating ethics into artificial...

Barely a year had passed since the Olympic Games and finding a job was already tough. I was discussing the matter with the girl behind me in the queue at the depressing...

Can a memoir be written in pictures? On flicking though and reading La Barcelona de Pilar Aymerich [Pilar Aymerich’s Barcelona], the answer is a categorical yes. The...

Barcelona has one of the lowest fertility rates globally, yet boasts one of the highest life expectancies. This reality carries profound demographic, social and economic...

The population pyramid of the metropolitan area of Barcelona is not inverted, and the ageing population does...

The current birth rate crisis is linked to something deeper than cultural or sociological aspects. It is...

In keeping with the model adopted in the Nordic countries, childhood and family policies should cover four...

So-called “new families” are not truly new; they have always existed. Flexible family arrangements and...
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