Il·lustració. © Laura Wätcher
Digital dividesSupporting digitalisation

More and more aspects of life rely on digital skills. We now know that guaranteeing internet access with high-speed networks does not suffice. Added to the social, cultural and gender...

Retrat de Carme Pinós © Martí Petit
‘Most architects are not the elite or complicit in property speculation’

Carme Pinós

Carme Pinós is a truly trail-blazing architect. In 1991, she founded her own practice in a field where women were the exception, and after countless obstacles and plenty of perseverance...

Retrat de Clàudia Cedó. © Paula Jaume Sánchez
‘The ones learning the most aren’t the actors with a disability, but rather the audience’

Clàudia Cedó

Clàudia Cedó’s (Banyoles, 1983) relationship with the city of Barcelona can be traced by mapping out the theatres where her plays have been premièred. This playwright, director and...

Cartells de la Mostra de Films de Dones
The history of cinema made by women

The book Un trajecte pels feminismes fílmics [A journey through feminisms in film], by Marta Selva and Anna Solà, marks the 30th anniversary of the Barcelona...

Llibre: Mamut. Eva Baltasar (Club Editor, 2022)
A triptych without a name or a full stop

Mamut completes the trilogy of novels written by Eva Baltasar, following Permagel (Club Editor, 2018, published in English as Permafrost by And Other Stories, 2021) and Boulder...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careThe ethics and economics of care

Increases in life expectancy, changes in reproductive trends and the evolution of the family structure have intensified demand for care here in Catalonia, and a response is required. We...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careWhy our model of care for dependent people needs to change

There are long-standing deficiencies in care for dependent people, and the pandemic has only made them worse. Given the public system’s shortcomings, the most common option is to take on...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careThe social economy: a tool for transformation

The social economy is made up of organisations whose economic and business activity puts people and purpose before capital. This system materialises as democratic, transparent,...

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