The library, aimed at scholars and researchers of Barcelona's culture, but also at all citizens interested in the city,specialises in Barcelona's heritage and urban history, from its origins to contemporary times, paying special attention to the documentary sources of its material culture.
The library, aimed at scholars and researchers of Barcelona's culture, but also at all citizens interested in the city,specialises in Barcelona's heritage and urban history, from its origins to contemporary times, paying special attention to the documentary sources of its material culture.
The Library has a collection of nearly 10,000 monographs and 200 specialist journals, as well as an important archive collection of the Museum's photographic and documentary production.
Access to the Library Catalogue
Access to the Archive Catalogue
Access and consultation room
The Library has a Consultation Room with four reading points. The bibliographic collection is open to the public and can be consulted, by prior appointment, during the opening hours of the Library.
Bibliographic information and queries
The Bibliographic Information Service offers information about the Library, the Barcelona History Museum and its collection and offers services including assistance and advice in the research process. For other types of specific requests, the Library makes its documentary collection available to users.
Reproduction of documents
The Library has access to black and white and colour reprographic devices, and makes them available to users at the rates set by Barcelona City Council [check the Prices for cultural activities and services developed by the ICUB] and in accordance with the Intellectual Property Law.
The Library offers freewireless Internet connection in the consultation room.
Cerca al catàleg de la biblioteca
Paraula clauTítolAutorMatèriaISBN
Baixada de la Llibreteria, 7. 3r pis.
08002 Barcelona
Tel. 93 256 21 06
Fax. 93 268 04 54
Veure mapa
Horari d'atenció al públic
Dilluns, dimarts i dijous: de 9:30 a 15:00 h.
Dilluns: de 16 a 18:30 h.
Dies sense servei: 1 de gener, 6 de gener, 1 de maig, 9 de juny, 24 juny, 15 d'agost, 11 de setembre, 6 i 25 de desembre.
Recursos de la Biblioteca
- Recursos electrònics seleccionats
Selecció d'obres en format electrònic sobre la Ciutat de Barcelona, es reuneixen des d'obres clásiques a monografies menys conegudes però que són obra de consulta recurrent per a la tasca del museu.