EMYA 2023 Barcelona - European Museum of The Year Awards

The EMYA, the oldest and most prestigious museum award in Europe, is held at the MUHBA (Museu d'Història de Barcelona). With the concepts and contradictions of democracy and democratization as its main themes, the EMYA2023 Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony will take place in Barcelona from May 3 to 6.
Barcelona will be the European capital of museums for a week. Organized by the European Museum Forum with the Museu d'Història de Barcelona (MUHBA), and with the participation of the Council of Europe, the event will bring together members of the European museum community among former nominees, partners and friends, as well as this year's EMYA nominees. Thirty-three EMYA nominated museums from nineteen countries will speak and present themselves in multimedia format during the sessions.
EMYA Program
Greetings from the Mayoress of Barcelona to EMYA
Press Release (in English, Catalan and Spanish)
Press clipping
Photo gallery EMYA 2023
Candidates brochure
Winners brochure
Link to EMYA Press conference recording
Link to the recording of EMYA, 2023 Annual Conference
Link to the recording of EMYA, 2023 Awards Ceremony
Link to the presentations of the candidates and winners
Informació i reserves
Per a qualsevol altra informació: 93 256 21 22 (de dilluns a divendres feiners, de 10 a 14 i de 16 a 19 h).
El MUHBA es reserva el dret d'anul·lar activitats.
El preu de les activitats està subjecte a les taxes i els preus públics vigents.
Si no s'especifica altrament, les visites i els itineraris es fan en català.
Per a grups, el MUHBA ofereix les visites i els itineraris en altres llengües, aixi com la interpretació en llenguatge de signes.
Instagram del MUHBA
Facebook del MUHBA
Canal YouTube del MUHBA