Cultural Rights

While the rights to education and healthcare were the key policies that contributed to equality between people during the 20th century, in the 21st it is cultural policies that must make a key contribution to the struggle against inequality, together with the extension of citizens’ rights and opportunities.  

The need to integrate art more firmly into the education system, the growing importance of knowledge in the dynamics of innovation, and the links between scientific advances and various forms of cultural life, are fundamental to facilitating greater equity and equality of opportunity in today's society. The links between culture and education, culture and technology, culture and innovation, and culture and science are today new strategic fields to be promoted by Barcelona's cultural policy to enhance the city’s democratic life. 

2020 was marked by the coronavirus pandemic, which has had a profound impact on all aspects of life. The health crisis has highlighted the precarious position of many cultural workers, and the lack of sufficient protection mechanisms, leading to great uncertainty about the future of many projects, both public and private. To alleviate this situation, Barcelona City Council has created three shock plans with a total allocated budget of €9.5 million, to provide short-term support to the cultural sectors as well as address some of the structural challenges they face and, at the same time, to facilitate the general public’s access to cultural life.  

Would like to know what cultural rights are? 

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