The Centre Martorell d’Exposicions opens its doors with two free exhibitions

19/12/2023 - 12:23 h - Science Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Centre Martorell d’Exposicions, the former Geology Museum of the Ciutadella Park, which has been refurbished, reopens its doors with two free temporary exhibitions throughout the Christmas holidays. This refurbished space – which forms part of the museum facilities that make up the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona – expands the Museum’s cultural offerings in Ciutadella Park. From now on it will house scientific exhibitions on subjects with a strong social impact related both to the climate and biodiversity crisis and to the exploration of the current frontiers of knowledge.

The new facility is launched with ¿Nature or Culture? A vision from the natural science museum, which reflects on the evolution of the relationship between humans and nature based on a local and global historical journey through natural history museums, from cabinets of curiosities to modern natural science museums. The exhibition features the Museum’s emblematic collections, such as the skeleton of Avi, an elephant that was a Zoo celebrity long before Floquet de Neu. But this exhibition not only aims to show collections, but also to review the past of these institutions and raise questions about what role museums should play in a society facing a global climate crisis or the generalisation of artificial intelligence, among others.

On the other hand, in the second exhibition: WOW. Museum animals: Science, technique and art, the taxidermist Antonio Pérez Rodríguez has managed to develop a new technique called “taxidermy in movement”, a faithful representation of nature where art, technique and science come together in extraordinary compositions. WOW presents six naturalised scenes of Mediterranean and African animals such as, for example, a group of fifteen wild goats stampeding, two zebras fighting or a lioness hunting wildebeest. These are panoramic scenes charged with so much drama that it seems as if a fragment of real life has been frozen. This exhibition has been promoted and coordinated with the collaboration of the Parque de Ciencias de Granada.