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Article 14. Plenary Functioning. Sessions, meeting announcements, order of the day

1. The Plenary:

a) Holds at least two ordinary sessions per year, and all extraordinary sessions considered necessary, as proposed by the Presidency, the Executive Committee or one-third of all Council members.

b) At least five working days’ notice must be given for Plenary sessions.

c) The Plenary is validly constituted if one-third of members are present.

d) Announcements of Plenary sessions are accompanied by the corresponding order of the day and, if applicable, all pertinent documentation. Announcements and orders of the day are sent by electronic means, except to those members who specifically request a different system be used. Electronic notice is valid from the moment it is accessible from the corresponding email address.

e) The Council may only discuss issues included on the order of the day previously approved by the Presidency. The Presidency also chairs and moderates debates, if necessary.

f) The Council members may propose points for debate to be placed on the order of the day by the ordinary procedure, that is, before the meeting is called, notifying the Executive Committee in writing. The Executive Committee then submits the proposal to the Presidency. Alternatively, members may use the emergency procedure to propose points, submitting them in writing to the Executive Committee three days before a session is due to take place, if the Presidency agrees that the issue is sufficiently urgent.

g) The order of the day for all sessions also includes a point devoted to “Any Other Business”.