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Article 16. Sessions, meeting announcements and agreements

1. The Executive Committee meets at least every two months in ordinary session, and for all the extraordinary sessions called by the Vice-presidency, either at its own initiative or at the request of one-third of Executive Committee members.

2. At least eight days’ notice must be given of meetings, except in urgent cases that, according to the Vice-presidency, so justify.

3. The Executive Committee is validly constituted if at least five members are in attendance. The same quorum applies for the adoption of agreements.

4. Agreements are adopted by simple majority.

5. Executive Committee members are paid expenses for attending all ordinary meetings, up to an amount established by the Council Presidency, conditional on the mandatory issue of the expenses report.

6. At its own initiative or at the proposal of Executive Committee members, the Presidency may invite other people or representatives organisations engaged in themes related to issues at hand to meetings. Such guests have voice but not vote.