
*Simultaneous translation available (Catalan / Spanish / English) in the sessions in the Auditori

Institutional Opening

9:30 h - 10:00 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Barcelona, path to 2030

10:00 h - 10:30 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

The impact of the Ukraine conflict

10:30 h - 11:30 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

The “re-economisation” of city centres

12:00 h - 13:30 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Leading the future of employment

15:30 h - 16:45 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Revitalising the local economy

17:00 h - 18:15 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Cities as Engine of Economic Development

9:30 h - 10:45 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Barcelona, capital of innovation

10:45 h - 12:00 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Barcelona: an economic hub with Latin America

12:30 h - 14:00 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Sustainable gastronomy and food: people, produce and planet

15:30 h - 16:45 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Closing the gender gaps

15:30 h - 16:45 h

Sala C (Disseny Hub)

Integrating creativity and design into industry

17:00 h - 18:15 h

Auditori (Disseny Hub)

Els reptes a l’espai urbà en una societat postcarboni

17:00 h - 18:15 h

Sala C (Disseny Hub)

Barcelona REACT 2022 - Networking Party

REACT Networking Party

18:15 h - 20:30 h

Sala A (Disseny Hub)

Barcelona REACT 2022 - Cloenda Institucional 01

Cloenda Institucional

13:00 h - 13:30 h
