New space to work the grieving processes for domestic workers and caregivers
The space "Let's take care of ourselves in the grieving processes" to work on the grieving processes for domestic workers and caregivers.
A new cycle of talks about welcome and care is born in Barcelona
Each month will revolve around a central theme. On October 19 there will be a talk about parenting at the Sagrada Familia Market (entrance on Calle Provenza) from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. There will be charge-free space for kids.
Plural, Barcelona’s new centre for masculinities
Feminism and women. The centre is located at Av. Marquès de l’Argentera, 22, and is staffed by a team of ten professionals.
Thirtieth anniversary of the Advisory Council for the Elderly
Elderly people. The mural illustrates an ageing-friendly Barcelona.
Fourth centre offering free dental care to vulnerable people now open
Health. The new service is being offered at the centre belonging to the Fundació Sant Pere Claver in Carrer de Vilà i Vilà.
The relationship between care and social survival in the lecture for 11 September by Lourdes Beneria
City Council. The ceremony will be on 9 September, at 6 pm, and shown online.
Barcelona Cuida: 3,000 cases of assistance and 137 quality employment contracts
Social services. The pioneering facility in care is establishing itself as a benchmark municipal space.
Career-guidance and counselling points for young people
Employment and jobs. El programa “Fem feina, fem futur” inclou també un un servei d’informació telemàtic adaptat a les necessitats de cada persona.
More cognitive-stimulation activities at old people’s homes
Elderly people. The aim is to counter the effects of the pandemic and to improve the health and well-being it residents.
Opening times of women’s municipal services during August
Opening times of women’s municipal services during August