Participar en la vida cultural va més Engaging in cultural life goes beyond attending any of the paying or free activities that the city offers. The Barcelona Institute of Culture...

Lídia Heredia
Each morning, we can start the day listening to Lídia Heredia on her TV3 programme Els matins. Credibility, rigour and professionalism are words that describe her and what she...

In Barcelona, only four out of 10 children between infancy and the age of two are enrolled in school. Education at this stage is a mechanism for equalising opportunities that especially...

One in five women in the world has suffered sexual abuse in childhood and one in three has been the victim of physical or sexual violence. According to the 2016 Survey on Violence...

Barcelona receives more than 12 million visitors per year for both business and pleasure. The city is the location of one out of every three tourism companies in Catalonia and almost...

Barcelona residents rate safety in the city with a score of 6.2 and give high marks to the police force, according to the latest victimisation survey. Victims of crimes have risen almost...