Roses de Foc de Barcelona
Barcelona, a rebellious and insubordinate city

In recent years, the notion has increasingly taken hold that the repeated and violent explosion of social conflict in 19th- and early 20th-century Barcelona had made the city...

Construction workers’ demonstration descending Carrer de Ferran in 1976. © Pilar Aymerich
When time makes its presence felt

Can a memoir be written in pictures? On flicking though and reading La Barcelona de Pilar Aymerich [Pilar Aymerich’s Barcelona], the answer is a categorical yes. The...

Interior of Atlas Muhba
Two thousand years of Barcelona on the map

The Atles MUHBA d’història de Barcelona [MUHBA Atlas of Barcelona History], published by Barcelona City Council and the Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA) – an institution...

© Byung-Chul Han
The political contradictions of contemplative life

All the books by the philosopher Byung-Chul Han call for a return of negativity: instead of excessive transparency, secrecy; instead of an aesthetic of smoothness, roughness;...

Llibre: Survey Barcelona. Una mirada fotogràfica sobre les transformacions de la ciutat, 2015-2023. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2023.
‘Survey Barcelona’, a family album of the city

Valentín Roma, Adrià Goula and Susan Sontag all concur on the fact that photography needs objectives, but it is not objective. Survey Barcelona, a family album in which...

Llibre: Altres Brosses. Joan Brossa i la poesia d’acció, el parateatre. Joan Maria Minguet. Fundació Joan Brossa i Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2023.
Brossa, the tightrope walker

The Fundació Joan Brossa – under the baton of Joan M. Minguet and with a large team of collaborators as its orchestra – is presenting the book Altres Brosses. Joan Brossa i...

​Històries de la Model
'Històries de la Model' [Stories of La Model Prison], voices of a century of changes

The documentary comic book by Jordi de Miguel and Susanna Martín explores the history of the Barcelona prison and the experiences of some of its inmates.

Arcadi Oliveres
A compilation of the pacifist legacy of Arcadi Oliveres

Arcadi Oliveres (1945-2021) was many things: teacher, inspirational figure, activist, writer, peace researcher, tireless lecturer, agitator of minds, etc., but, when it came to...

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