Llibre: El manifest de les cures. La política de la interdependència. The Care Collective. Tigre de Paper, 144 pàgines — Barcelona, 2021
Care or barbarism, life beyond the self

I recently read in Forbes magazine that there are more billionaires this year than ever. A few days later, as an antidote – which is what books are for – I...

Llibre: Paraules d’Arcadi. Què hem après del món i com podem actuar. Arcadi Oliveres. Angle Editorial, 170 pàgines — Barcelona, 2021
The legacy of Arcadi Oliveres, the peaceful economist

Paraules d’Arcadi [Arcadi’s Words] is his last book, which I have had the privilege of editing. A compendium of concepts to gain a better understanding of...

Dilluns ens estimaran, Najat El Hachmi
The black hole of men’s domination of women

Najat El Hachmi, who went down in history for winning the Ramon Llull Prize with El patriarca [The Patriarch] in 2008. It was the first time that a Moroccan...

Llibre. Per una educació en llibertat
Education as a tool for transformation

Per una educació en llibertat. Barcelona i l’escola. 1908-1979 [For an Education in Freedom. Barcelona and School. 1908-1979] is a collective work that...

Barcelona: Tired History

Simón is a realistic novel about Barcelona, with an adventure novel component and elements of moderate criticism. Simón begins like Pimpinela...

© Maria Rubert de Ventós
Urban planning and the future of Barcelona

In times of pandemic, you miss going for strolls, and the book Barcelona sense GPS [Barcelona without GPS], by Maria Rubert de Ventós, is a perfect antidote...

Llibre: Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber, Julià Guillamon. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020
Joan Perucho, the pop editor

Perucho the pop editor is who is described in Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber [Joan Perucho and Pop Editions. Tàber’s Adventure]. This...

Llibre: Claudi Montañá. Estoy hablando de mi generación (Artículos 1972-1977), antologia i pròleg de Josep Maria Ripoll. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020
Claudi Montañá, the article as a work of art

Claudi Montañá was the most unique voice in music criticism in the seventies. Nobody could combine popular journalism with creative literature in their texts like he...

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