Els salaris de la ira.Miquel Puig Raposo (La Campana, 2021)
A former liberal puts the left under the magnifying glass

In his book Els salaris de la ira [Wages of Wrath], Miquel Puig opens the debate on workers’ wages, stagnant for decades. According to his theory, the abundance of workforce has...

 Antonio Machado a Barcelona (1938-39)
Antonio Machado in Barcelona

Barcelona meant a lot to Antonio Machado, who arrived in the city in April 1938 with some family members. Testimony to those days lie in his numerous contentious articles published in...

Fantasy stories for a post-pandemic future

Over a short time, we have been caught in the throes of a dystopia almost without realising it: a global pandemic, lockdowns at home, devastating fires, drone strikes... In the midst of...

Llibre: Tothom a taula! Retrats de l’ecosistema alimentari sostenible d’una Barcelona en transformació. Lucía Herrero (fotografia) i Jordi Bes Lozano (text) — Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020.
Ensuring that everyone eats with dignity

As a rule, the word sustainability in relation to food is understood to be linked to the concepts of local, seasonal, organic, fresh produce and even generates limited waste....

Llibre: El bar Kike y Paca la Tomate. Nazario.  Ajuntament de Barcelona, 160 pàgines — Barcelona, 2021
Everything that can go on in a bar

We are a bar culture. Every generation, every scene, has had its own, and each of these bars deserves a book like this one, because its history is the history of the collective...

Llibre: La casa de foc. Francesc Serés. Edicions Proa, 592 pàgines — Barcelona, 2020
The terrestrial substrate of Francesc Serés

In La casa de foc [The House of Fire], Francesc Serés immerses us in the landscape of La Garrotxa, an antediluvian and terrestrial setting that plays host to characters who see...

Llibre: El manifest de les cures. La política de la interdependència. The Care Collective. Tigre de Paper, 144 pàgines — Barcelona, 2021
Care or barbarism, life beyond the self

I recently read in Forbes magazine that there are more billionaires this year than ever. A few days later, as an antidote – which is what books are for – I read in The Care...

Llibre: Paraules d’Arcadi. Què hem après del món i com podem actuar. Arcadi Oliveres. Angle Editorial, 170 pàgines — Barcelona, 2021
The legacy of Arcadi Oliveres, the peaceful economist

Paraules d’Arcadi [Arcadi’s Words] is his last book, which I have had the privilege of editing. A compendium of concepts to gain a better understanding of how this world works (...

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