
In his book Els salaris de la ira [Wages of Wrath], Miquel Puig opens the debate on workers’ wages, stagnant for decades. According to his theory, the abundance of workforce has...

Barcelona meant a lot to Antonio Machado, who arrived in the city in April 1938 with some family members. Testimony to those days lie in his numerous contentious articles published in...

Over a short time, we have been caught in the throes of a dystopia almost without realising it: a global pandemic, lockdowns at home, devastating fires, drone strikes... In the midst of...

As a rule, the word sustainability in relation to food is understood to be linked to the concepts of local, seasonal, organic, fresh produce and even generates limited waste....

We are a bar culture. Every generation, every scene, has had its own, and each of these bars deserves a book like this one, because its history is the history of the collective...

In La casa de foc [The House of Fire], Francesc Serés immerses us in the landscape of La Garrotxa, an antediluvian and terrestrial setting that plays host to characters who see...

I recently read in Forbes magazine that there are more billionaires this year than ever. A few days later, as an antidote – which is what books are for – I read in The Care...

Paraules d’Arcadi [Arcadi’s Words] is his last book, which I have had the privilege of editing. A compendium of concepts to gain a better understanding of how this world works (...
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