Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionThe future will be suburban

La suburbanització dels Estats Units, que ha estat continuada des de la fi de la Segona Guerra Mundial, s’ha...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionThe taken city

Urban spaces have evolved from being hubs for living, socialising and hosting activities to becoming...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionBlurscape. The push and pull of sprawl

Despite its history of compact cities, Europe has evolved into a continent of sprawling urban landscapes,...

The city of five millionDispersed urbanisation: An overlooked challenge

The Barcelona of five million encompasses not only the territory of dense and compact cities but also a...

Shared bicycles run by a private operator, in a corner of the Plaça de la Sagrada Família square. © Albert Armengol
Use of space and mobility management

If Barcelona’s streets could speak, they would tell us that they have never seen so many different vehicles using their surface, and that they have never witnessed such rapid and...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence fostering shared and sustainable mobility

AI has the potential to help manage complex processes, such as mobility, in city life. Simulators and servers that match people offering their cars with those who need to get...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceLet the city make us uneasy

The polarisation and segregation fuelled by algorithms may end up shaping the city. AI feeds off itself and, as if it were an infinite mirror, it insists on showing us what it...

Josep Tarradellas Barcelona - El Prat Airport. Inside of the Terminal 1
Josep Tarradellas Airport, a major hub of activity

An airport acts as a major gateway to the city or region it serves. Barcelona airport, located in the municipality of El Prat de Llobregat, is a transport hub and a catalyst for...

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