MUHBA The Domus of Sant Honorat

In the ground beneath what is now Carrer Sant Honorat, at the corner of Carrer de la Fruita, visitors can explore a Roman domus (single-family house) that was built in the 4th century A.D. Part of the peristylium (or central arcaded garden) has been conserved with several lacus, (tanks containing water and plants). The perystyliumprovided access to the different rooms, many of them decorated with polychrome mosaics and paintings. The house had its own private baths. The decoration of the house and its location (near from the colony’s Forum), as well as its size which must have taken up the entire block, suggests that it must have been home to one of the city’s most notable families.
Over the years, the domus was subjected to successive divisions and transformations, until it finally changed its purpose. In medieval times, large silos were dug in this spot for storing grain within the area of the Call (the Jewish district), and which can still be seen today, embedded into the domus. The mediaeval site highlights the economic and commercial vitality of Barcelona's Jewish district during the 13th century.
List of points shown on the map
C/ de la Fruita, 2
08002 Barcelona
Tel. 93 256 21 22
journey planner
Horari de visita
Monday to Saturday only open to guided groups with advance reservations (consult the prices here)
Sunday 10:00 to 14:00
Closed on public holidays
Informació i reserves
Ticket reservations and activities
For further information: 93 256 21 22
(from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) from 10:00 to 14:00
and from 16:00 to 19:00).
Standard ticket: 2 €
Concessions: 1,5 € for under 29, over 65, and holders of Barcelona library cards, targeta rosa reduïda, large family cards and single-parent family cards and groups over 10 people.
Entrance without charge: children under 16, holders of targeta rosa gratuïta and Barcelona Card, members of ICOM and Catalan Museologist Association, tourist guides, accredited journalists, assistants for disabled people and secondary school teachers, 'Gaudir +' promotion. Entrance free to all on the first Sunday of the month.
See here guided groups prices
Metro: Liceu (L3) and Jaume I (L4)
Bus: 120, V17 and 45
Barcelona Tourist Bus: south route (red)