Before choosing what you want to do, get informed with ‘In-forma’t’
The 17th edition of ‘Informa’t’ includes 68 free academic orientation activities that show the wide range of academic paths available to young people having to choose their future study paths. The campaign is on from 20 January to 14 March and requires booking in advance.

In-forma’t also includes sessions for families and professionals looking for support in guiding youngsters. This year’s programme includes sessions for families who speak Arabic, Urdu and Chinese and want to become familiar with the Catalan education system and the study options available to their children once they finish secondary school.
The programme of ‘In-forma’t’ activities is divided into four blocks:
- Who am I and what do I like? With workshops and activities on self-knowledge and discovery of one’s own academic and professional profile.
- What paths can I choose? Talks on the different paths available and their requisites for teaching academic goals. There are also activities for reconnecting to studies for those who have dropped out of the education system.
- What options are available? Talks by teaching staff to introduce the different study options to choose from.
- Is it like I think it is? Meetings with students from sixth form, vocational training courses, higher training cycles and universities to clear up students’ expectations compared to the reality of others who have been through the same process. Visits to companies and organisations are also offered.
A guide to post-compulsory education is produced for each edition, with the different academic and professional paths that exist and their connections. The printed edition is available at all points where activities are held and is also published online.